Saturday, August 30, 2014

listerine naturals crowtap sample share

I was chosen by crowtap to sample and review listerine naturals mouthwash and share my thoughts about the product and brand. I was given this product for free for reviewing purposes.

I really enjoyed sampling this product I have always loved the listerine brand and was nice trying a new flavor of mouthwash. I thought it had a bit of a weird taste and still stung a bit but it was not too bad and I love that it is 99% natural with no artifical flavors or dyes so that sorta out weighs the taste at least for me I would prefer a natural product.

We were asked to share a picture of us swishing and trying out the product that is me in the above picture swishing away. It was fun sampling and sharing pictures we were also asked to share some pictures of listerine natural side by side with other natural products we already using in our everyday lives so below I am going to share my pictures with you.

I had a lot of fun reviewing and sharing about listerine as you can see but I would like to tell you what I love about listerine.  it doesn't matter what flavor you choose they all work great and keep your mouth clean and fresh and helps fight germs. What I learned while sampling that I did not know and this information was provided to me by listerine and crowtap is that brushing alone misses %75 of your mouth even if you brush twice a day you leave millions of germs behind. 

I already had listerine zero before I started sampling and it was my first time trying that flavor as well, it had less of a sting and a little better of a taste then the listerine naturals but it wasn't natural so if you like natural products then go with the listerine naturals.  my favorite out of all the listerines I have tried so far is blue mint it has a better taste but it also has a more intense sting.  like I said before it doesn't matter which one you choose just help your mouth and protect it and go get any bottle and see for yourself listerine is the best at keeping your mouth clean.  

thank you for reading my review and hope you go out to your local store and find the best listerine product for you and swish those germs away.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. I like buying natural products as much as possible so I may need to give this a try. Thanks for sharing.
