Monday, September 14, 2015

US Art Supply Easel Box Set with Acrylic Paint Kit

I was given the opportunity to review this awesome US Art supply easel box set with acrylic paint kit and really glad i got the chance as my husband,daughter,and myself love to draw and paint so it is something we can all enjoy and use. It all comes together in this nice wooden carry case with a drawer that closes with a metal clasp where you can put all your paint,brushes,pencils,and other accessories you use to draw or paint. It also comes with a handle and it is a table top easel so it is easy to take with you anywhere and sit down and relax and enjoy some painting or drawing. The box itself is just a plain wooden color so you could even have fun and paint it or put designs on it and give it some style.This is a great starter set for anyone who loves art and loves to sit down and relax and do what they love and draw and paint.It might not be perfect for experts or professionals but it is a great set for at home or on the go i would say for beginners or for fun.Whether your good at it or not anyone can get a little art therapy from using this just create anything even if it is just a blob of paint it gives you something to do and can keep your mind off other stuff that you need distracted from.

Features & Specifications
- Table Box Easel with drawer
- 3-9"x12" Canvas Panels
- 12 Piece 12ml Acrylic Paint Tubes
- 16-Well Plastic Palette
- 4-Brushes (#2,#4,#6,#8)
- HB Pencil
- Plastic Palette Knife
Easel Size: 13 3/8" Wide x 10 1/4" Deep x 2" High
My daughter came home from school and seen this and could not wait to start using it she changed her clothes and just started drawing and painting and had a blast doing it she loves art and is getting really good at it. It gives her something to do and something to create and keeps her busy and is better than her being on the video games and watching TV all day. She is 11 and learned some techniques in school already that i seen her using on this and it amazes me how easy it all came to her and she did not make a big mess and kept everything organized this kit is perfect for her. I was worried about the paints at first as some come really strong and smell funny but these were fine and she had no problems with them. She really loved all the colors and the drawing pencils and she loves that it is compact so she can carry it around.

Thanks for reading my review i really enjoyed testing out this product and really think it is great a great starter kit for anyone and great for pre-teens. There are many other US art supply kits on amazon that i would love to get for my daughter that i think she would enjoy. If you would like to purchase this kit or learn more about it or any of there other kits you can by going on amazon by clicking HERE 

*I received this kit free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review however all opinions are my own. #usartsupply

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