Friday, November 21, 2014


I received samples of zep quick clean disinfectant and zep all-around oxy cleaner & degreaser as part of the #ZepCleansters crowdtap sample share compliments of crowdtap and zep #sponsored to #TryZep then review and share the results.  

I really enjoyed trying out these 2 products it opened my home up to something new and is definitely what it needed to make my home a little more livable. 

My home is really old we rent a townhouse that used to be used for army families and everything is very old and starting to fall apart we really need to move or have everything remodeled but we cannot do that right now so it was nice fixing and cleaning up some places with zep and making my home cleaner and more bearable to live in. 

 We have this really old medicine cabinet that has just been getting worse and worse. Rust, mold, grime just not usable and we just let it go and never really used it. As you can see in the above picture on the left how bad it was but then I decided it was time to try and clean it up with the zep samples. 

First I used the all-around cleaner & degreaser and started noticing a difference right away then used the quick clean disinfectant to tidy it up and make it germ free. paired together they worked wonderfully as u can see in the right pictures it turned out so much better nice and clean and white. Only thing wrong is from where some paint chipped so you can see some black spots but not bad I couldn't believe how it turned out and that we can actually use the medicine cabinet.  

We also have really old kitchen counters that stain very easy as you can see in the above left side pictures it has gotten all stained up and there was a big circle from sitting coffee cans and such around.  I also have a daughter whom is very messy and myself I'm pretty clumsy I have spilled grape juice more than once. our counters are a off white color and just stain very easy.  

I used the zep all-around oxy cleaner & degreaser on it for only 3 minutes and could tell a big difference. as you can see in the right side of my picture the circle is pretty much gone and the stains faded dramatically and this was in just one use so I think if I continue to use this and pair it with the disinfectant my kitchen will be whiter, cleaner, and germ free.  

I'm very thankful to crowdtap and zep for letting me sample and introducing me to such great products to join crowdtap click here if you would like to learn more about zep brand and products click here zep commercial and thank you for reading my review hopefully it introduces you to the wonderful zep products.  

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